Introduction to Technology



Technology in Education Department
National College of Education, National-Louis University


TIE 300 - Introduction to Technology in the Classroom

Instructor: Linda Wallin
Office: by appointment
Phone: 847-705-6728
Office Hours: by appointment

PROGRAM MISSION: The mission of the Technology in Education program is to prepare educators to use technology in their schools and to provide instructional leadership and technical support to other educators who wish to integrate technology in teaching and learning.


This survey course will provide the educator with a broad base of knowledge about application software, hardware, and instructional software packages through extensive demonstration and hands-on experiences. Topics include planning for lessons that integrate technology, teacher software tools, word processing, database management, and telecommunications.


Please NoteNational-Louis University is committed to ensuring that all of its facilities and programs are accessible to all persons.  If you believe you may qualify for course adaptations or accommodations in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and/or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, it is your responsibility to immediately, but no later than the second class session to contact the Office of Diversity, Access and Equity (DAE Office) or the instructor.  You may contact the Director of Diversity and Equal Employment at (847) 947-5491 or via e-mail at  If you have coordinated services with the DAE Office, please provide your letter of accommodation to the instructor.

The student will be able to:

1. Become knowledgeable about hardware and software products.
2. Examine the many ways of using computers in educational settings.
3. Apply appropriate criteria to evaluate instructional software.
4. Examine a broad variety of educational software and select an appropriate piece of software to use with students.
5. Use teacher software tools to create instructional material.
6. Use graphics program to prepare visual illustrations.
7. Use a word processor as a personal writing tool and classroom instructional instrument.
8. Use database and spreadsheet software to find and analyze information.
9. Use hypermedia to become aware of another communication tool.
10 Become familiar with how telecommunications can be used in the classroom.
11. Know a variety of resources available to computer-using educators.
12. Become knowledgeable about equity, ethics, legal and human issues concerning the use of computers and technology.
13. Appropriately plan for effective technology integration.


Academic Honesty

With respect to the academic honesty of students, it is expected that all material submitted as part of any class exercise, in or out of class, is the actual work of the student whose name appears on the material or is properly documented otherwise. The concept of academic honesty includes plagiarism as well as receiving and/or giving improper assistance and other forms of cheating on coursework. Students found to have engaged in academic dishonesty are subject to disciplinary action and may be dismissed from the University.

Faculty has the right to analyze and evaluate students’ course work.  Students may be asked to submit their papers electronically to a third party plagiarism detection service.  Students who are asked to submit their papers and refuse must provide proof for every cited work comprising the cover page and first cited page for each source listed in the bibliography.  When evidence of academic dishonesty is discovered, an established procedure of resolution will be activated to bring the matter to closure.  See Policy on Academic Honesty in the University Catalog and Student Guidebook (hard copy and online).

For resources on how to cite properly and avoid plagiarism, go to NLU’s Center for Academic Development ( and the NLU Library (

REQUIRED TEXTBOOK(S): O'Bannon, B and Puckett, K (2007). Preparing to Use Technology: a Practical Guide to Curriculum Integration. Boston, Massachusetts: Pearson Education.


Bitter, G.G., & Legacy, J., (2007). Using technology in the classroom . Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.

Carroll, J., Kelly, M. G. & Witherspoon, T. , (2003). National Educational Technology Standards for Students Curriculum Series—Multidisciplinary Units for Prekindergarten Through Grade 2, Eugene, OR: ISTE.

Clark, J., (2003). Building Accessible Websites, Indianapolis, IN: New Riders or on the web at: Building Accessible Web Sites.

Cunningham, C. & Billingsley, M., (2005). Curriculum Webs, Boston, MA: Pearson Education.

Jonassen, D., (2000). Computers as Mindtools for Schools, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill.

Jonassen, D., Howland, J., Moore, J., Marra, R., ( 2003). Learning to Solve Problems with Technology, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill Prentice Hall.

McMahon, M. & O'Hara, S. (2003). National Educational Technology Standards for Students Curriculum Series—Multidisciplinary Units for Grades 6–8 , Eugene, OR: ISTE.

Sandholz, J., Ringstaff, C., & Dwyer, D., (1997). Teaching with Technology, New York: Teachers College Press.

Thatcher, J., Bohman, P., Burks, M., Henry, S., Regan, B., Swierenga, S., Urban, M., Waddell, C., (2002). Constructing Accessible Web Sites , Birmingham, UK: glasshaus.

Illinois Learning Standards. Available from:

NETS-S Standards (National Technology Standards)

Some helpful teacher web sites:
Teacher Tips and Tools
Craig Cunningham's Introduction to Technology in Education
The Educators Network: Where Teachers Come First
Harper Children's Site for Parents and Educators
U.S. Department of Education Publications & More
NASA Quest
American Library Association
PBS for Teachers
George Lucas Educational Foundation
Midlink Magazine Rubric Help
Schools of California Online Resources for Education
Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
Montgomery County (MD) Research Project Rubric

Making a web page








90-100% A 180-200 pts.

80-89% B 160-179 pts.

70-79% C 140-159 pts.

60-69% D 120-139pts.

Below 60% F 119 points or below


Note : 10% per week will be deducted for all late assignments. For example, points for assignments turned in two weeks late will be reduced by 20%.


It is recommended that students plan to attend each class and arrive on time. Missing or coming late to classes will likely place you at a disadvantage, as classroom participation and hands-on activities are required in this course. If you must be absent, please let me know in advance by phone or e-mail, and I will work with you to help provide an alternative assignment for you for that day.


NLU seeks to ensure that its programs are accessible to all persons. Students in need of special assistance or an accommodation regarding any of the course requirements as outlined in this syllabus, the course objectives and/or course evaluation and assessment criteria, are advised to notify me immediately. We will meet privately to discuss a resolution of your issue, which may or may not include an appropriate referral (e.g., a Writing Specialist, the ADA Accommodations Coordinator). Confidentiality will be maintained regarding your special needs.


A maximum of nine (9) semester hours credit taken as a special student prior to formal admission may apply toward an on-campus degree or certificate.

created 5/28/07
updated 2/13/11

Linda Wallin