
Page Resource.com

This site provides a variety of tutorials on HTML, JavaScript, and other information for creating web pages.

JavaScript Tutorial: Variables and Operators Explained - The Web Developer\'s Journal

A quick tutorial for beginners on using JavaScript. The interactive language designed by Netscape.

HTML Crash Course for Educators

This is a classic tool in the creation of a raw HTML document! It has everything you need to get started and will give you much more flexibility than some web editors.

Music education by computer

This is great tutorial for any tech or music educator interested in integrating these two disciplines to set up a MIDI lab, and create cool projects that any student would love to produce.The pages load without a problem. The graphics are few but quality, absolutely necessary, and relevant. Everything you need to know is there, from the introduction through activities to assessment. This site is well organized, includes a bibliography, the author's email address, and a link to a parent page with more links.

 CGI Tutorial

This site allows teachers the ability to learn and understand how to make web pages. The site also stresses ways to include more sophisticated looking web pages as well.