Gifted Education

World Conference for Gifted Children 2013 here are my notes from the Conference in August 2013.

Hoagies is the best known page for Gifted Education and a great place to start.

I have no idea where I found this, but it is good for Exceptionally and Profoundly Gifted Children and Their Families.

Oops, I found it here: The Learning Lynx Index, which comes from The Learning Lynx, Free Homeschooling Lessons and Links.

This is a page I created for the summer of 2008, when I taught a gifted class how to make animation with PowerPoint. I introduced Scratch, and one student made an animated video game.

Lego Logo
The start of a page for my gifted students and a presentation for February, 2010 at ICE.

Scratch is a program created by MIT for animation, programming and mechanical engineering for kids.

Online Resources

EPGY Mathematics is an on-going program created by Stanford University to educate gifted students in their home/school environment.

CTY Online is a set of online resources for gifted children from Johns Hopkins University.

Hey Math! was created by Nirmala Sankaran and Harsh Rajan with advice from the University of Cambridge.

9 Child Prodigies (Who Actually Ended Up Doing Something, by Rick Chillot.

Gifted Resources Learning Disabilities Page
Gifted Ed '96
Computer-based Mathematics and Physics for Gifted Students
ED321492 90 Nurturing Giftedness in Young Children. ERIC Digest #E487.
Gifted and Talented Children

Updated 7/20/11
Linda Wallin