Duncan Wallin Networking Associates
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Linda Wallin is a retired special education teacher formerly at the Special Education District of Lake County and part-time professor at National-Louis University in the Technology in Education Department and Special Education Department. She has a B.A. from University of Illinois in German Secondary Education, M.Ed. from University of Illinois in Preschool Special Education and C.A.S. from National-Louis University in Technology in Education. You may email her at:  lwallin (you know what goes in here) dwna.net.

Josh Duncan is a lead computer programmer. He is a graduate of Taylor University.

Colin Duncan is the Technology Director for Prairie Central School District. He is a graduate of Eastern Illinois University.

Lynette Duncan is a homemaker and homeschooler with an Early Childhood Education degree from Eastern Illinois University.

Kim Duncan graduated from Lawrence University with a double degree in English and Vocal Performance. She returned to NIU to take prerequisites and graduated from the University of Iowa in June 2016 in Speech Pathology with a specialization in Voice Therapy. She works for Columbia University as a speech therapist.

John Wallin is a former systems analyst, database manager and science fiction fan. He has a B.S. from University of Illinois in Math and a Masters in Math Education from Northeastern Illinois University. He began teaching in fall of 2009.

Duncan Wallin Networking Associates is a non-profit family organization.


Last updated 4/21/20.

Linda Wallin